Remote repair services

Many repairs can be handled remotely these days. Just a quick download and we can access your system and repair a variety of issues including, but not limited to, spyware and malware removal, Optimizing for speed, troubleshooting software issues, updates, teaching (only available to our website design customers), and diagnosing issues which will ultimately need to be addressed onsite.

  We now have our own remote support application so we do not have to rely on outside companies like teamviewer anymore. Do not download this app unless you are actively working with one of our support agents. We won’t answer calls in the app that are not previously authorized. If you are working with our support staff and they have instructed you to, you can download our Support app below. After downloading the app all you need to do is run it, and select click here to connect. There is no installation, no registry entries, and no un-installation required. Once your support session is ended, you can safely close the app and it will not run anything in the background.

Do not download this app unless you have been instructed to do so by our support representative. Without an appointment there will be no one available to answer the remote service call.


1 hr. remote service $65
2 hr. remote service $130

Used our remote service? Please leave a review below to let others know your experience.

1 Comment

  1. Remote service was easy, they fixed my computer and made it faster. The repair bill was very reasonable, and the tech I worked with was very nice. I will definitely use their service again!


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